Home > Participate > Fairtime Contests > Veggie Racing

Veggie Racing

What is veggie racing? Picture a pinewood derby race using fruits and vegetables in place of the woodblock! Open to all children 17 and under.

Before each race there is a dedicated time to building your veggie race car, see the daily schedule for exact times. All materials will be provided by the Fair. Decorating your vegetable as a race car is encouraged. Ribbons will be awarded to the most original. Only race cars created at the Fair will be permitted to race.

Races will be run in heats of 4, the winner of each heat will advance to the next level. Each day will have qualifying races with the overall winner of each day advancing to the final championship race on Sunday.

For the safety of all patrons, all cutting and trimming will be done by Playland staff only in the designated area.

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