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Horse Pull

Department 86

Class 861

Friday – Pull 5pm – All Classes are 12 ft pulls

Official weight at 2pm

Superintendent: Lewis Clark
Phone: (860) 567-8522

No teams are to be taken off the grounds after weighing.

Lots: Premiums awarded for 1st -6th place…NO STEPPING UP A CLASS

  1. Pair under 3225 lbs: $200—$175–$150–$140—$125–$100
  2. Pair 3226-3425 lbs: SAME PREMIUMS
  3. 3426 lbs and over SAME PREMIUMS

Contest Information:

  1. Coggins Papers & Rabies Certificate Required
  2. Admissions are free for the driver and two helpers only if in truck
  3. Eastern Draft Horse Association Rules Apply
  4. The Superintendent and judges shall be responsible for the enforcement of all rules. They shall determine the winners and shall award the prizes in accordance with the rules. Failure to comply promptly with the directions of the judges and superintendent shall result in immediate disqualification of a contestant. THE SUPERINTENDENT AND JUDGE HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMOVE ANY PARTICIPANT IMMEDIATELY FROM THE FAIRGROUNDS FOR VIOLATION OF THE RULES. They shall have the right to refuse or reject any entry that they believe will not be proper. Drivers shall name the team they are going to drive before drawing for numbers for position. THE SUPERINTENDENT AND JUDGE WILL HAVE THE FINAL DECISION ON ALL CALLS.

The Eugene Rainville Trophy

Free-for-all Class

This special award will be presented to the winners of the Free For All Class on a rotating basis. The award is donated by Dan and Gail (Rainville) Tarryk in memory of “Gene” Rainville, an outstanding teamster of Baltic CT, who for many years participated in the Brooklyn Fair Horse Pull. Any teamster who wins the trophy three years in a row will retire the trophy and a new one in memory of “Gene” will be provided by the Windham County Agricultural Society.
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