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Superintendent: Emilie Hebert 860-234-6834
Mail entries to: 133 Rt 198, Woodstock Valley, CT 06282

Entries excepted July 1st till August 15th. When the pens are full, the superintendent reserves the right to turn exhibitors away once the barn is full.

Swine Obstacle Course – Friday at 6:00pm
Swine Show – Saturday at 5:30pm
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Printable Entry Form

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If your pig lives in the state of CT Brucellosis and Pseudorabies testing is free!!! They will also tag your swine with FID tags!!! Just ask to have them tagged when tested. Just call the number below to schedule their visit FREE of charge!!


Then all you need is a health certificate from your vet!

Arrival: All animals must be on the grounds by 4pm Thursday, in the assigned exhibit space and will remain on the grounds until 5pm Sunday.

Swine are not to enter their pens until they have been checked in with the proper health paperwork by the Swine superintendent.

The Youth Swine Show is open to youth age 5 to 18 as of January 1st. Hogs are to be born after January 1st of current year. Hogs will be weighed or taped by the superintendent.

All purebred gilts must be registered and registration papers are to be available to the superintendents upon arrival. Any purebreds without registration papers will automatically go in the crossbred gilt class. All exhibitors must pen their own hogs or be there to help pen their hogs upon arrival.

Pens will be assigned by the superintendent. Bedding will be provided by the fair. All swine will be required to remain on the fairgrounds for display until the release of other animals or premium money will be forfeited. All pens are to be cleaned out at the end of the fair. Pens and area should be clean and presentable to the public at all times. All show persons must wear proper show clothing (no sneakers or sandals allowed).

Swine may be entered in both the youth and open show if the showman is between 5-18 as of January 1st. Anyone over 18 may enter the open show.

Gilts may be entered in a market hog class or breeding gilt class but can not be entered in both.

DEPT. 85

Class 851 – Swine Open

Class 852 – Swine Youth

Class Descriptions: Market Hogs (Minimum Weight 100lbs)

1. 100 lbs. – 125 lbs.
2. 126 lbs. – 150 lbs.
3. 151 lbs. – 175 lbs.
4. 176 lbs. – 200 lbs.
5. 201 lbs. – 225 lbs.
6. 226 lbs. – 250 lbs.
7. 251 lbs. – 275 lbs.
8. Over 275 lbs.
9. Champion Market Hog

Breeding Gilts (Minimum Weight 100lbs)

20. January Purebred Breeding Gilt
21. February Purebred Breeding Gilt
22. March Purebred Breeding Gilt
23. April Purebred Breeding Gilt
24. Champion Purebred Breeding Gilt
25. January Crossbred Breeding Gilt
26. February Crossbred Breeding Gilt
27. March Crossbred Breeding Gilt
28. April Crossbred Breeding Gilt
29. Champion Crossbred Breeding Gilt
30. Champion Overall Breeding Gilt

Class 853 – Swine Showmanship

50. Pee-Wee Fitting and Showmanship Class (ages 5 to 6)
51. Freshman Fitting & Showmanship Class (ages 7-9)
52. Junior Fitting and Showmanship Class (ages 10-12)
53. Intermediate Fitting and Showmanship Class (ages 13-15)
54. Senior Fitting and Showmanship Class (ages 16-18)
55. Champion Fitting and Showmanship Class

Some of the classes may be combined to suit the number of hogs.

Open Premiums
1st –$30.00, 2nd –$25.00, 3rd –$20.00, 4th –$15.00, 5th –$10.00

Youth Premiums
1st –$25.00, 2nd –$20.00, 3rd –$15.00, 4th –$10.00 5th –$5.00

1st –$30.00, 2nd –$25.00, 3rd –$20.00, 4th –$15.00, 5th –$10.00

DEPT 851

76. Best Swine Ed. Display 1st –$75, 2nd –$50, 3rd –$30
80. Swine Obstacle Course
81. Swine Herdsmanship Award 1st –$50, 2nd –$40, 3rd –$30, 4th –$20

Exhibitors will be judged throughout the Fair on management, appearance of animals, attractiveness of exhibit, safety, and cleanliness.

State Fair and Show Requirements:

1. ALL SPECIES: Animals must originate from herds or flocks that meet the testing and health requirements of the State of Connecticut. State livestock inspectors may request proof of compliance with state requirements. No herd or flock under quarantine order shall move or be exhibited. All animals must have permanent identification (ear tag, tattoo, leg band, microchip plus a reader or EIA certificate).

6. SWINE: All swine must originate from Connecticut herds that are tested for Brucellosis and Pseudorabies on a yearly basis. All swine must have a health certificate issued within 60 days prior to the first show by an accredited veterinarian. If the swine are purchased from a tested herd, a bill of sale from the Connecticut producer must be presented to the State Veterinarian’s office before a Connecticut Exhibition Test card will be issued to the new owner.

SWINE: Swine that are 3 months of age and older must be negative to Brucellosis and Pseudorabies tests and have a health certificate stating such. Barrows are exempt from Brucellosis testing but must have a negative Pseudorabies test. Swine under 3 months of age must originate from a Brucellosis-free and Pseudorabies qualified herd and the herd test dates and qualified herd numbers must be on the health certificate. State of CT tests swine for free

1. ALL SPECIES: Animals shall originate from herds or flocks that meet the testing and health requirements of the State of Connecticut and must be accompanied by health certificates and test charts as indicated below. No animals from a herd or flock under quarantine order shall enter into the State. All animals and poultry must have official permanent identification (ear tag, tattoo, leg band, wing band, microchip plus a reader, or EIA certificate). All animals and birds (except horses) must have an exhibition permit number on the health certificates. Call 860-713-2504 or 860-713-2508 for a permit number. All out of state animals and birds offered for sale must meet Connecticut Importation Regulations.

SWINE: Swine that are 3 months of age and older must be negative to Brucellosis and Pseudorabies tests and have a health certificate stating such within 30 days of their first show date by an accredited veterinarian. Barrows are exempt from Brucellosis testing but must have a negative Pseudorabies test. Swine under 3 months of age must originate from a Brucellosis-free and Pseudorabies qualified herd and the herd test dates and qualified herd numbers must be on the health certificate.
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